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Treatment When a patient stops breathing suddenly 
  1. Confirm absence of pulse and heart sounds quickly. (But do not waste time searching them)
  2. Start external cardiac massage 60 times/ minute.
  3. Spread a Handkerchief or gauze over the patients mount, and give mouth to mouth respiration after every heart massage. Use ambu’s bag if available.
  4. If patient is on soft bed, spring leaded cot, then cardiac massage will not be effective. Shift him to a hard surface.
  5. After giving cardiac massage and breathing for  1 minute, take short break to give injections. (ie. If you are alone, when assistance are available, both can be give immediately.) Never leave the patient without cardiac massage and breathing for > 2 mins.
 Drug treatment 
  1. Inj. Dopram 1cc I.V (Respiratory Stimulant).
  2. Inj. Efcorlin 100mg 1 vial I.V or Decadron or Betnesol.
  3. Inj. Sodabicarb 20 to 50cc I.V.
  4. If heart has not started beating after cardiac massage.
 If with this vigorous treatment and quick treatment, heart starts beating or breathing starts, shift the patient to a Hospital immediately, maintaining Heart and respiration on the way.  Every nursing home and clinic should have a Ambu bag with face mask for artificial respiration.If the patient is young or child, try maximum efforts to resuscitate, because you hearts recover well.The importatant thungs to remember during resusciatation is the critical 3-minute period. At no time the patient should be left withouth respiration for more than 3 minutes. Particularly remember this when time is lost in filling injections, searching veins.You are dealing with dying patient. Relatives are tense and under psychological pressure. Quickly note who is the responsible relative, tell him clearly that patient is dying and only then start resuscitation. Otherwise you may be blamed for doing something wrong to the patients.

Order all relative to be out if the room, because resuscitative procedures look very harsh to non-medical persons

Inj. Dopram Inj. EfcorlinInj. Sodabicarb


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